First Presbyterian Church of Waterford was founded in 1809 and is a congregation in the Lake Erie Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
"The First Presbyterian Church, or called the Park Presbyterian because it was built by the town park. The Church was organized in 1809, and built-in 1834 at the cost of $5,000., It was incorporated on Oct. 6, 1866. Its first pastor was the Rev. Pierce Chambertain who continued to discharge his duties for a period of twelve years, He was succeeded by the Rev. G.W. Cleveland who stayed for four years, then Rev. Charles Divers who remained but two years. The pastor now is T.T. Bradford. The church is built of brick and stands on the western side of the diamond. Mr. Tornlinson was the builder, It has a basement story which was finished in 1857, which is now used for Sunday school and lectures. It is a matter of regret from an architectural view that no cupula or spire was built at the time of its erection, We trust that not many more years will pass before we can have the pleasure of hearing its churchgoing Bell." [Ref; article from the Waterford Enquirer Feb. 16, 1858] *
* This quote was posted by Anita Palmer on Facebook 20210216 along with several photos.
The bicentennial history of the church was published in 2010. A PDF copy may be downloaded by clicking here.



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